Privacy Policy
This should be fairly simple.
We don't store any information about you. So even if our favourite film star visited the site we wouldn't know who it was or be able to work out what they were doing - much the pity.
All this website is doing is to showcase the work we do and to give you a way of contacting us by email, which we hope you will do.
WIX who provide the framework and software systems on which this site operates have a policy which says it places some cookies on the site. We understand that is to make the user experience easier. The details of the cookies is set out below .

To be honest I have enough trouble keeping track of my family and friends than anyone else - so apart from what happens as an integral part of the website functioning as operated by WIX - we don't track anything and even if we did we wouldn't understand how to access it. However if you have any questions please do contact us via the Contact Us section of the website and we will do our best to help you. You can find out how to contact us by clicking Contact Us at the bottom of the page.